What does the Canadian Military do?

Have you ever thought about the Canadian Military before? Probably not since it isn't that big or powerful (Sorry Canada). Last year I decided to move to Canada, but when I was nearing the border I realized that I had forgotten my passport. I decided to try and get into Canada anyway, since the Canadians were known for their hospitality, but I wish I had just turned back. When I got to the border security area I decided to ask the border guard if I could just cross the border since I was no threat to Canada, surprisingly they did let me come in, but when I got about a mile into Canada I saw that there was a tank with a Canadian flag on the sides, I just ignored it but when I looked back I saw that there were five soldiers which were next to the Canadian tank. I decided to move on but then the Canadian solider fired maple syrup at me and covered my windshield with sweet Canadian goodness, I decided to stop the car when suddenly the five soldiers started firing at my wheels. One of the soldiers came to me and said, "It's aboot time that you got your justice, eh.", I was terrified since I thought they were going to shoot me, but then suddenly, he covered me in maple syrup and froze me in my seat and I was trapped in my seat, for the rest of my days, eh.